Gippsland Region Strategy


Regional Development Australia Gippsland and the Gippsland Local Government Network collaborated to prepare a long term strategy for the Gippsland region in Victoria

Business Challenge

Developing a strategic framework to address the opportunities and challenges for growing Gippsland’s economy, fostering improved community well-being and promoting environmental sustainability.

How We Helped

We worked with the local governments, community groups, key industries and major service agencies from across the Gippsland region to identify a widely held vision for the future of the region and agree the opportunities and challenges that are of highest priority in order to make substantial progress towards the desired future.

This included an in depth review of regional demographic and economic trends and the identification of the factors having a significant impact on these trends.

Performance Delivered

The outcome was the Gippsland Regional Plan, which articulates the long-term focus areas and associated outcomes as well as the capabilities needed to support the associated development including regional leadership and key partnerships.  The Plan also identifies the projects, and related investment required to support the achievement of such outcomes.  To date, the Plan has underpinned the region’s success in the attainment of funding from State and/or Commonwealth Governments for a number of these projects –see